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9 years ago, at 3:35 am, I brought forth my second child, my daughter, into this world.  She was beautiful even all mucked up and swollen and sqidgy eyed.  My little red headed baby girl took her damn sweet time on getting here.  It’s her schedule, not mine.

FSCN0870Now, 9 years have passed with lots of scrapes, bumps and bruises, hurt feelings and a broken heart from the loss of her piggies and her fishes.  She has grown into an amazing young lady, full of questions and a very independent person.  She is vibrant and full of life and is fearless.  She has so much courage to try new things and isn’t afraid to ask questions to expand her knowledge.  She will fight to the death for her family-especially her brother.  I am so extremely proud of her.

Happy 9th Birthday, Monkey.  I love you!

Love, Mama
